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Here is a List Of Reminders to Help You on Race Day.
O MOST IMPORTANT: You will be consuming 4 beers, hopefully faster than you've ever consumed 4 beers before! So you will definitely fall somewhere on the scale from "tipsy" to "wasted". We will not allow anybody to drive away from The Ark if there is any question of them being impaired. So please be sure to bring a designated driver. These are being arranged in the Mad Trapper Facebook Group:
O Beer during the race is supplied: But we will be having an awesome post race BBQ, so if you have a driver (or a tent) and want to bring a few more beverages for the evening, you are more than welcome to do so. And I'm serious about the tent. If you want to crash here overnight you're more than welcome to set your tent up in the backyard, at the campground, or any random place in the woods.
O There is no mud or water on this course: So you don't necessarily need a change of clothes, but if you want to hang out at the BBQ, bring something comfortable to wear that might help protect you from the mosquitoes
If you have a designated driver and have some extra room in your car, please share your spots on the Facebook Group Page..